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Old 03-29-2016, 12:02 AM
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Yeah Jacob and Sarah are the lucky ones. But most of the Emmerdale kids are little brats. Who do horrible horrible things and get away with it because of their age. Like Lachlan and Gabby. I'm hoping that they will have Liv turn around soon. Emmerdale has enough children of the corn filling the village. And it's beyond frustrating that another person in Aaron's life has failed him.

Anyone think Danny will ever shave that beard? It's starting to remind me a little bit of the one Adam had when he came back after his son was born. They could have it as part of a storyline. Like Liv does something to Robert's hair because Robert is a bit vain about his appearance and Liv wants to mess with him. So to make peace Robert wants Aaron to shave and stop wearing so much hair gel. Or they are betting about something and since Robert wins, Aaron has to shave.
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Old 03-29-2016, 03:01 AM
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Liv finally comes to her senses end of this week/beginning of next week and starts to believe Aaron after she records the conversation between Aaron & Robert about Ryan.
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Old 04-01-2016, 09:42 PM
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Liv is really reminding me of baby Aaron when Danny first came to the show. Sarcastic, tough, walled up, mischievous, troublemaker who pushes people's buttons. And testing the limits on how many chances people are willing to give her. She is definitely Aaron's little sister.
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Old 04-01-2016, 11:08 PM
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It's wonderful seeing Aaron so happy and smiling spending time with his baby sister. He's so all about that kid that it hurts how crushed he'll be next week when he finds out how badly she's betrayed him by scheming and plotting against him with Gordon.
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Old 04-01-2016, 11:24 PM
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Though I see Aaron forgiving her because she is his baby sister. And because he knows how evil Gordon is and what he can do to people. But I see him being wary of her for a while after he finds out.

I do want to see what their relationship can be past Gordon. I do hope they get to a place where they have a strong relationship together like Cain and Chas or Victoria with both Andy and Robert.
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Old 04-01-2016, 11:24 PM
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Though I see Aaron forgiving her because she is his baby sister. And because he knows how evil Gordon is and what he can do to people. But I see him being wary of her for a while after he finds out.

I do want to see what their relationship can be past Gordon. I do hope they get to a place where they have a strong relationship together like Cain and Chas or Victoria with both Andy and Robert.
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Old 04-01-2016, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by cherrios (View Post)
Though I see Aaron forgiving her because she is his baby sister. And because he knows how evil Gordon is and what he can do to people. But I see him being wary of her for a while after he finds out.

I do want to see what their relationship can be past Gordon. I do hope they get to a place where they have a strong relationship together like Cain and Chas or Victoria with both Andy and Robert.
Yes exactly. Of course he'll forgive her because that's what he does for those he loves (Robert, Chas, etc) but his heart will be crushed because he's already put his whole heart into this brother/sister relationship. The betrayal will sting so badly and put a dampener on what they were building.
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Old 04-01-2016, 11:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Kylebraxtonisthebest (View Post)
Yes exactly. Of course he'll forgive her because that's what he does for those he loves (Robert, Chas, etc) but his heart will be crushed because he's already put his whole heart into this brother/sister relationship. The betrayal will sting so badly and put a dampener on what they were building.
Yeah I think it will take at least a year before he will be able to completely trust her again. I hope like Robert, they have Liv work to earn back Aaron's trust and rebuild that bond.
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Old 04-01-2016, 11:50 PM
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Originally Posted by cherrios (View Post)
Yeah I think it will take at least a year before he will be able to completely trust her again. I hope like Robert, they have Liv work to earn back Aaron's trust and rebuild that bond.
I think it will hurt both Aaron and Liv the level at which she's betrayed him because even though they'll know she was manipulated by a perverted bastard it will still weigh heavy between them both and create some sort of wall between them for awhile. I wonder if this will be why she'll be so actively competing with Robert for Aaron's attention once Robert/Aaron are a couple.
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Old 04-02-2016, 01:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Kylebraxtonisthebest (View Post)
I think it will hurt both Aaron and Liv the level at which she's betrayed him because even though they'll know she was manipulated by a perverted bastard it will still weigh heavy between them both and create some sort of wall between them for awhile. I wonder if this will be why she'll be so actively competing with Robert for Aaron's attention once Robert/Aaron are a couple.
That's a great point.

I never thought of that. That makes perfect sense.
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Old 04-02-2016, 03:43 AM
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The casting of Liv has been flawless. The similarities between her and Aaron are amazing. And I hate to say this, but the sibling bond they showed over the last few episodes has put me on the fence in regards to Liv. I love how she's starting to favour Aaron to Gordon.
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Old 04-02-2016, 11:11 AM
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It makes sense that Liv would start to realize how amazing Aaron is. He's kind, honest, and has a big heart. And he comes through for the people he loves and cares for. I think Aaron might be like the image that Liv built up in her head of what she wanted her dad to be like. Which Gordon is nothing like, she will find out soon and be devastated.

I'm looking forward to a confrontation between Robert and Liv when everything is out in the open. Liv has seen Gordon for the evil that he is and is trying to make it up to Aaron. I can see them both thinking the other is all wrong for Aaron. And hitting some truthful barbs each other's way.

Having Liv around is making Aaron happy, he's really starting to open up and enjoy her company. It's going to hit hard and set him back that she's working for Gordon. I do think he will forgive her, but the trust will be gone. And it will take some time for it to come back.
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Old 04-03-2016, 02:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Erica001 (View Post)
The casting of Liv has been flawless. The similarities between her and Aaron are amazing. And I hate to say this, but the sibling bond they showed over the last few episodes has put me on the fence in regards to Liv. I love how she's starting to favour Aaron to Gordon.
I agree the casting for Liv was perfect. I'm torn on how to feel about Liv now because seeing Aaron so happy (when he's been living in almost complete darkness the last few months) has been a much welcome sight but knowing that will all be wiped away when he learns of Liv's betrayal hurts because I dont want to see Aaron in even more emotional pain then what he already carries on his shoulders. Because in typical Aaron fashion I'm sure he'll feel and most likely believe that every happy moment he had with Liv was a big fabricated lie set-up just to decieve, trap and hurt him from the last person he expected and ruin his chances of getting justice. Just because Liv finally witnesses Gordon's true colours and comes to her senses wont wipe away the pain her betrayal will cause Aaron.
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Old 04-05-2016, 12:20 AM
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Danny and Isobel look a bit alike, she kinda reminds me of his niece. Liv reminds me so much of baby Aaron when he first came back on to the show. She is so his little sister, messing things up, putting people off, just wanting to be loved, and going about it all the wrong way.

Aaron's scenes Mon 4/3/16

Poor Aaron and Liv, Gordon really is a piece of scum. I'm just glad Liv finally sees the light, sure both Aaron and her are hurting now over the betrayal and Gordon's manipulations. But she needed the truth, she needed to know that there is no good in Gordon and there probably never was. At least there are no more secrets between Aaron and Liv anymore. I'm sure they will make up since Liv is going to be a permanent fixture, they can start fresh and build something real. I just hope the show has her continue to grow and mature and not let her backtrack or stay stuck. Though I'm sure she will stay mischievous, she is still a kid after all and Aaron's little sister.

If she does come to stay with him, I wonder if the show will have common siblings things like taking his clothes like a sweater or something without asking. Or interrupting romantic moments with Robert. Or if she's staying with him and he's in charge of her, trying to fudge his name on something for school. I can see him giving her the talk on why smoking is bad, especially since he used to smoke himself. I see him teaching her all about cars, so that she will know what to do if she has car problems. And them having lunch together in the pub or the cafe.

I can so see Aaron having a lock on his door if he doesn't already. Because if both Liv and Chas with have temperamental relationships with Robert. And they are both not the happiest of Aaron and Robert together, I can see Aaron making sure they have a place where they can be alone without anyone coming between that.
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Last edited by cherrios; 04-05-2016 at 12:33 AM
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Old 04-05-2016, 12:40 AM
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My heart can't help but thaw piece by piece toward Liv with those precious hugs between Aaron/Liv.

It's kind of ironic that the two most important females in Aaron's life have such temper-mental feelings toward Robert.

Speaking of Robert the metro articles out today about Robron were A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!
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