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Old 09-28-2006, 08:16 PM
Elite Fan

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Episode 1.01 'Genesis' recap (Milo Scenes)

The pilot begins in New York City, with Peter standing on the edge of a high building. His face is full of emotion. Slowly, he lets himself fall over the edge.

He comes to, sitting in a chair in a man's bedroom. Peter is a home care nurse and is taking care of an older man who is resting in bed. He is a wealthy man, who made a killing playing the stock market. The man's daughter, Simone Deveraux (an art dealer), walks in. They talk about the man's health. She tells Peter she doesn't know what they'd do without him, that Peter has "a real gift". She says Peter is like a son to her father. He says that might be a little awkward if he ever wanted to ask her out, but she lets him know that she is dating someone. Peter then begins to change the man's IV.

Peter lets himself fall off the roof of the same building again. We get the sense he is now flying through New York city. Now he is falling, but before he hits the ground he sees a man (his brother, Nathan) standing below and looking up at him smiling.

Peter comes to, inside a taxi cab. A bus pulls up beside the cab. It has a poster along its side, stating 'Nathan Petrelli for Congress'. Peter looks at his brother's picture with pride. He gets out of the cab.

Inside his campaign headquarters, Nathan is on the phone telling a Mr. Linderman that he'll have to call him back.
(Side note: a man named Linderman is also mentioned with Niki. He is mafia and she borrowed money from him. Its not made clear if they are the same man though.)

Peter walks in and tells Nathan 'it' happened two more times. They begin to walk as Nathan gets ready to leave.

Peter- "Sometimes I'm falling. Sometimes I'm flying. And sometimes you're in 'em."
Nathan- "I don't have time for this now."
Peter- "They're not just dreams, Nathan. I thought they'd go away, but they're not. This morning, when I got out of bed, my foot hovered before it hit the ground. Hovered for a split second. Like I was - floating. I'm telling you, I think I can fly."
Nathan- (chuckles) "Tell you what, you think you can fly, why don't you jump off the Brooklyn Bridge? See what happens."
Peter- "Maybe I ought to start with something a little lower first. It's like learning to walk."
Nathan- "You're serious?"
They walk outside now, continuing the discussion.

Peter- "Oh, I'm serious."
Nathan- "You need to snap out of it, Peter. See a doctor. Get some drugs. But do not pull a Roger Clinton on me, man. I'm eight points down in the polls."
Peter- "This isn't about you, all right? Something is happening to me, and I have this feeling that you're the only person that's gonna understand this."
Nathan- "Why the hell would I understand that you think you can fly?"
Peter- "Because you're my brother."
They're interrupted by Nathan's cell phone ringing. It's their mother, telling him she was arrested for shoplifting.

At the police station, their mother is alone in a room. Peter and Nathan walk in. She tells them they dropped the charges, that she has to only fill out a form so its no big deal. Nathan stands as Peter sits beside her and holds her hand.

Nathan- "No big deal? I'm running for Congress. Do you have any idea what this is gonna do to me if it gets out. With our family's past."
She reveals the item she stole was socks.

Nathan- "Dad left you a fortune. What are you thinking? You know, its been one rediculous stunt after another with you for the last six months. Dad's gone. Just get over it."
Peter tells Nathan to leave her alone, that she's okay and that's all that matters, but Nathan is more worried about it hitting the press. Peter tells him to leave, go worry about his image, and that he'll handle this. Nathan sarcastically thanks his mom, and leaves. Peter kneels down to his mom.

Peter- "What were you thinking?"
Mom- "I just wanted to feel alive again."
They touch foreheads.

Peter and his mother leave the room. He tells her Nathan only cares about himself and she says their father was the same way. She refers to Nathan and his father as "Alpha dogs". She puts on her coat.

Mom- "You, in the meantime, for all your selflessness in sitting with dying people ...what? You gonna retire on what you make?"
Peter- "Maybe I'll shoplift my socks."
Mom- "Don't get smart. When you put everyone else first, you end up last. You always put Nathan first. He took advantage."
Peter- "Yeah, it wasn't you that was just pushing him right out in front of me?"
They wait for the elevator.

Mom- "He takes up more space than you. Demanded more attention. And besides, it's not my fault you allowed it."
Peter- "He's my brother. I love him."
Mom- "Oh, gah."
The mother gets tired of waiting for the elevator and they go down the stairs.

Mom- "Love is overrated."
Peter- "And he loves me too. I know it. We've always been close."
Mom- "Rose-colored glasses."
Peter- "That's cruel, mom."
She stops on the stairs.

Peter- "Look, since dad died, I know you've been feeling free to speak your mind but it wouldn't hurt to edit yourself every once in a while."
Mom- "I'm sorry if the truth hurts. I'm just saying you hero-worshipped him. And those feelings were never returned."
Peter- "You're wrong. It's biological, and I can't help it. We're ...we're connected."
She strokes his face.

Peter- "I never told you this, but when Nathan had his accident, I knew it."
Mom- "We all got the same call."
Peter- "No, I'm saying before the call. Like he was telling me, 300 miles away. I woke up, and I knew that he'd been hurt."
The mother pauses, then lightly smacks the side of his face with her gloves.

At his campaign headquarters, Nathan is on the phone, thanking a 'Tom'.
Its assumed this Tom helped him hide his mothers arrest from the press. Is it Linderman?? Peter walks in and Nathan tells him he buried their mothers 'wrap sheet'.

Nathan- "Why can't she get herself a hobby, like a normal person."
Peter- "They were married 41 years. It's a plea for attention. She's lonely. Give her some time, will you."
Nathan says he doesn't have time, that he only has eight days to make up ten points. He then tells Peter he wants to offer him a job. He says he trusts Peter and that he's good with people. He needs a coordinator to help organize the volunteers, and Peter has "nice-guy instincts" and he can use that.

Nathan- "I'm a shark, Pete. Everybody knows it. It's starting to show up in the polls. I bring you on. It kind of reflects well on me. You know what I mean?"
Peter- (chuckles) "Yeah, all right, so I make you look good. That's a new one."
Nathan- "It makes me look like I put family first. I mean, I know that sounds self-serving but this is for you too, right? You gotta think of your future."
Peter- "Why do you do that?"
Nathan- "Do what?"
Peter- "Even try to make it look like this has something to do with me. You didn't hear anything that I said earlier today, did you?"
Nathan- (Makes flapping wings hand gestures) "That bit about how you can fly? Yeah, I did. I'm going to pretend for both our sakes that you didn't say anything like that. I'm trying to do the right thing here."
Peter- "Look, I already have a job."
Nathan- "Yeah, watching old people die. Now there's a career. It's not cute anymore, man. The dreamy kid sitting in the back of the classroom staring out the window. It's time for you to grow up."
Peter looks hurt.

Nathan- "Look, I cast a big shadow, Pete. I get it. Life isn't fair. But there's nothing I can do about that. I'm trying to do the right thing by you here. Okay?
Peter- "I don't want your pity."
Peter leaves.

Outside, he sees Simone across the street hailing a cab. He goes to say something to her but a cab stops and she gets in it.

Peter puts on his sunglasses and gets in a cab that has stopped in front of him. The driver is Mohinder Suresh. He was introduced earlier. His father, who was studying theories about people with abilities, died.

Peter tells him to go to Center and Canal, where he lives. As they drive off, Peter looks up through the back window at the Solar eclipse. Mohinder says its a global event and that it makes one realize how small our planet really is. That "we're all quite small really, aren't we?". They introduce themselves to each other.

Peter- "Do you ever get the feeling like you were meant to do something extraordinary? ...I'm talking about who you are. I'm talking about ...being special."
Mohinder- "Yes, we are all special."
Peter- "That's not what I meant."
Mohinder- "Some individuals, it is true, are more special. This is natural selection. It begins as a single individual, born or hatched like every other member of their species. Anonymous. Seemingly ordinary. Except they're not. They carry inside them the genetic code that will take their species to the next evolutionary rung. It's destiny."

'Eyes' by Rogue Wave plays as they fade into scenes showing all the 'Heroes' looking up at the Solar eclipse and the song really suits it. The song is on the 'Just Friends' soundtrack. A fan made a video using the song so you can hear it HERE.

In the cab, Peter answers his cell phone. It's Simone. She tells him to get to her dad's, and to hurry. Peter gets out of the taxi.

Peter walks into Simone's father's bedroom. Simone is frantically looking around the room for morphine, and tells him he needs to come somewhere with her. Peter tries to tell her something, but she tells him it'll have to wait.

Peter- "No, look, I need to tell you about this. I need to stop living for other people. My whole life, I've no idea what I'm supposed to do, what I'm supposed to be. If I even have a destiny of my own."
She tells him they can talk about this later. She finds the morphine and tells him she needs him to come with her, that he's a nurse so he can give him a shot. He can help him.

Peter- "Help who?"

Peter and Simone rush into Isaac Mendez's apartment. Isaac is an artist, and Simone's boyfriend. They find Isaac on the floor. He's overdosed. Peter checks him and says he is alright and for Simone to call 911. Peter then looks up and sees a painting that Isaac has done. Its a comic type painting, of Peter, flying off the roof of a building. He stares at it. Isaac then tells Simone they have to stop 'it', pointing to a painting he has made on the floor of New York engulfed in flames and explosions.

Peter is again on the edge of the roof of the building.

Nathan gets out of a cab. He is on his cell phone and says '"All right, I'm here. Now what do you want? Peter?"
Suddenly, a cell phone drops and smashes to the ground by Nathan. He looks up and sees Peter at the edge of the roof.

Peter- "I've been up here all night, thinking about this. Thinking about my destiny."
Nathan- "What you doing, Pete?"
Peter- "It's my turn to be somebody now, Nathan."
Nathan- "Come on Peter, quit screwing around."
Peter looks up, holds out his arms, closes his eyes, and lets himself fall over the edge. He doesn't fly though, he falls. Suddenly a figure rises up to catch him. It's Nathan. They spin in the air as they each try to hold onto each other.

Peter- "You're flying, Nathan. You're flying. How did you..."
Nathan- "I don't know."
They both strain to hold onto each other, but Peter looses his grip and falls.

Nathan- "No!"

to be continued....

Thanks to roxygrl223 for the animation
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