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Old 09-07-2005, 08:48 PM
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Ok. It's done.


*Goes to die*

ETA: Questions and more descriptions...

Did Lorelai appear happy with all the engagement stuff? Luke, by your description, sounds ecstatic. I'm not getting much of a read on Lorelai. When he was rambling on about kids and she said 'kids would be good', was she smiling? Thanks
She's very happy and bouncy when they go to the store and then the gazebo. Other times I think she just has all the Rory stuff on her mind still. She smiled when she said the kids line in the bed scene.

Sounds like a great episode, did it pass quickly or seem to drag on. Often a go sign of a great episode is one that seems to pass quickly because it’s so good you don't keep an eye on the clock
It drags out when you're pausing every 5 seconds to write things down, but went quickly the first time I watched it. A lot happens.

Hee, I tried to remember the things people were concerned about. Glad the recap is approved. I really should go back and edit all of the typos. I'm almost afraid to look at how bad it is. I am not a typist.

My questions to you are about Emily. Does she seem like an earlier version of Emily, very catty and snide. OR, does she just come across as mean? Since a lot her lines seem a bit harsh. Some clarification would be nice. I do love how Emily and possibly Richard, that Lorelai was being overly dramatic. Talk about not really having a grasp on the situation.
Emily is...Emily. She seems truly shocked when Lorelai isn't there to give her Rory's things. And she thinks Lorelai is just being overly dramatic and doesn't seem all that concerned that she's upset and feels betrayed. I see being catty and snide as being kinda mean so I don't know how to differentiate. You'll just have to see what you think.

With the recap - Lorelai and Rory not talking for the episode is going to make ep2 FF even better, can't wait for the road side scene. Also when Luke is talking about the TH did Luke say he doesn't have the house anymore?
He says he doesn't have the house anymore. That he could probably get it back, but he doesn't have it now.

- One thing that will drive the hair obsessed absolutely bonkers. In the proposal scene Lorelai's hair switches spots each time the camera is on her. Behind the shoulder, in front of the shoulder, behind the shoulder, in front of the shoulder. Back and forth. It's actually funny to watch.

- It's dark in the bedroom, but you can probably see the tattoo. His right arm is facing the camera. Oh, and Lorelai is wearing a slip or something, not hte flannel and not naked.

- I thought the ep was good. It was hard to watch Lorelai being sad though. But my shipper heart is happy.

- About the kiss:
It's a really long kiss. Basically like the picture. It's sweet. I like Luke's face as he's pulling her closer. And love the arms all tight around each other. And they kind sway back and forth while the camera is pulling back. Sigh

Yeah, I guess it is like the SGT kiss. Except you can see their faces this time. Heh. I kept expecting one of Lorelai's legs to pop up behind her. It looked like that kind of kiss, lol.

ETA: LMAO, I got a cheer. I love you guys. Must compose thoughts before I even start in on another big post about today.
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